For years I've teased family and friends who have dogs and reorder their lives like they're children. It's so much easier being a cat owner. I can leave for the weekend and the cat is fine with a litter box and a few days of food. A dog is a different story.
Well, in early March at my dentist's office, I happened to mention to the dental assistant, Melinda, that I was considering a dog. Melinda’s office wall is covered with dog photos and she herself owns five. I shared with her that I thought the time might be right for me to look for a dog.
Truth be told, I've been thinking about a dog since I moved in to this old farmhouse. I really want the security of a dog on the property and had hoped a dog might be a deterrent to my ever-present critter problem. Yet, my life was too busy to make the commitment to a dog.
Well, by the end of the day of my dentist appointment, Melinda had emailed a photo of "Spencer," a Rottweiler mix available for adoption from a local rescue organization. She just knew he would be perfect for me.

He wasn’t overly friendly, but pleasant and well behaved. Something about this sweet pup caused me to say yes to Canine Lifeline's two-week trial. At least I knew there was an out!

I’m still amazed that the very first dog I looked at has fit so perfectly into my world. But he has. And now I must confess...
I’m a dog lover ;-)

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