So, my heart sank when the new dog caused Tobe to hide out in the basement. The first month or so, I hardly saw him. I even had to move his food dish to the basement to be sure he'd eat. When he did come up, he made it clear he wasn't happy with the new arrangement. Poor guy! It's been his house all these years, and now he'd been invaded by a sloppy, noisy dog! I thought for sure the dark, dirty basement would become his new home.
Well, it took nearly six weeks, but Tobe's back. :-) Ever so slowly, these two are getting used to one another. It's actually been quite comical to watch the two of them jockey for position in the house.
Tobe sneaks a drink from Samson's bowl

and -- the funniest yet -- Samson trying to fit on Tobe's stool!
I have a bit of encouragement, though. It came in the form of a photo forwarded by a co-worker. Her daughter's cat and dog, Hugger and Blitz, are now, to me, the poster children for canine/feline friendship. Could my Tobe and Samson look like this one day???

I love this...the photos fit perfectly and tell a story and the history. I would love to put on FB....but I won't