Saturday, August 28, 2010

A New Mailbox

I glanced out the window Friday and saw my smashed mailbox laying on the pavement. Not a pretty picture. I immediately felt frustration rise up in me. What would drive someone to do this??!! Was it a deliberate act of meanness directed specifically toward me? A random act of violence? In any case, it means a trip to the store to buy a new one, and the time and effort to install it. !!!

Shortly after I got the new one up and in place, my active 70 year old neighbor came by on her daily power walk. Without stopping, she hollered over to ask how it was going. I explained my situation and she said,"Yeah, that happened to us a couple of months ago. People sometimes just don't pay attention to their driving." And, with a wave, she was off.

Perspective! I need to get a clue sometimes...

Back to normal. (I think I like black better, anyway! ;-)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


A few days ago, my mom and I took in our monthly “dinner and a movie.” This time we chose the very popular Julia Roberts movie “Eat Pray Love.” It was a long, 2+ hour film that ended up leaving us empty. For the first time ever, we actually considered leaving early.

The film is an adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir by the same name. A successful, well-educated American woman, Gilbert finds herself dissatisfied with her marriage. So, she pursues a divorce (which her husband doesn’t want) and then enters an affair with a younger man. When that proves inadequate, she leaves him to “find herself.” The movie follows Gilbert on a quest to find happiness: eating in Italy, praying in India, and looking for love in Indonesia. In each case, I found her to be the epitome of indulgence and narcissism—a rich American pursuing her own selfish desires. When she meets the third man who professes his love for her—a kind and caring man—she almost turns and runs from him. In the end, she chooses her happy ending.

Italy.  India.  Indonesia.
I.  I.  I.

How appropriate.

The movie is a microcosm of our culture.  We have it all, and are still unhappy. We spend our energy and resources looking for some form of satisfaction and contentment and, instead, are left empty and wanting more.

I found it quite ironic when I received a memo from a business associate recently. It was on stationery from a catholic ministry, with a header that reads: "Pray. Love. Serve."

What a contrasting concept. Similar words, yet so different. Others-oriented, rather than me-focused. I wonder how our lives would change if we made this our daily mission.

"You were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge.... rather, serve one another in love." -- Gal 5:13

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sweet Smells

This is one of my favorite places in the whole world. My lovely white wicker bench, under a maple tree in my backyard. I have the privilege of meeting God here in this special quiet place... the joy of opening his word, meditating on his goodness, listening.

It's an especially sweet place, as there is a popcorn factory just about a half-mile away. ;-) So the morning breeze carries the sweet aroma of caramel and buttery goodness. Mmmm....

I wonder what sort of fragrance I carry with me. We all carry some sort of aroma, don't we? We sometimes smell of frustration....indifference.... smugness....impatience.

The aroma I enjoy while on my bench brings such pleasure and joy; I can only hope I smell as sweet!

But thanks be to God, who... uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
--2 Cor 2:14

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Speaking of changes (previous blog post), today's entry from "Jesus Calling" really hit home:

"Jesus Calling" - August 14

I AM YOURS FOR ALL ETERNITY. I am the Alpha and the Omega: The One who is and was and is to come. The world you inhabit is a place of constant changes--more than your mind can absorb without going into shock. Even the body you inhabit is changing relentlessly, in spite of modern science's attempts to prolong youth and life indefinitely. I, however, am the same yesterday and today and forever.

Because I never change, your relationship with Me provides a rock-solid foundation for your life. I will never leave your side. When you move on from this life to the next, My Presence beside you will shine brighter with each step. You have nothing to fear, because I am with you for all time and throughout eternity.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A New Look

After more than two weeks of hard work, the maple is now gone. It came down in stages, and the workers had an incredible task taking it down.

The hollow logs are a clear indication that the tree came down none-too-soon. I did a bit of research on sugar maples and, based on age, this one was definitely at the end of the chart as far as age is concerned. It was time.
Although it's difficult to fathom, the tree trimmer believes that what they carried out weighed about 200 tons. He said that building the entire house, all three stories, would have taken less wood than was in this one tree.

The man who came to grind the stump (which took four hours!) estimated the tree to be 300-400 years old.

I sure miss the old tree, and the place looks so different. I wish things could remain the same, but have learned that all things change. Only God is the same yesterday, today and forever. :-)

So, now with a creative new sidewalk, the place takes on a fresh look. It's time to get the grass in and work on some landscaping.

"See, I am doing a new thing!"
-- Isaiah 43:19