I planted tomatoes and radishes in peat pots this spring, to get an early start on my vegetable garden. What has impacted me through this process is the incredible dynamic of the seed. Of course, I've known since I was a child the truth of planting: put the seed in the ground, cover it with soil, water it, and it will grow. But to watch it up close and personal is amazing!
I took tiny seeds, each the size of the head of a pin, and dropped them in these small peat pots. And.... just as the seed packet said.... within a few days up popped seedlings!
As God's perfect timing would have it, Pastor preached this past Sunday on seeds. And, I began to realize just how much scripture has to say about this. In the familiar passage from Luke, Jesus uses the analogy of the seed to make a point about faith. We can accomplish powerful things for the kingdom of God if we have faith as small as a mustard seed. Think about it. A tiny seed planted in good soil, watered regularly, can grow into a plant that produces fruit and feeds my family, or a tree that is large enough to house a nest of birds. My beautiful 200-year old maple tree began as a seed. Absolutely incredible!!
Such a deep subject... seeds and planting. How often God's creation is used to teach us wonderful truths about Him. The heavens declare His glory....and so do seeds. How amazing!