Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bath Time

I finally decided it was time for a real good bath for Samson.

I've tried, quite unsuccessfully, to wash him in the bathtub, and have been meaning, instead, to take him to the local groomer.  Of course, it's never convenient to get him there and I'd rather not spend the money...  so a recent 80+ degree day provided the perfect opportunity. I ran up to the discount store and bought a kiddie pool and some doggie shampoo.

Here is the sweet, unsuspecting victim...

And here is the scene of the crime...(of course, I couldn't get a picture as I was holding his leash and washing him at the same time!

Wouldn't you know it... as soon as he was perfectly clean, he had a nice, good roll around the yard -- rubbing his shiny clean coat all over the grass.  Sheesh!!

Once we were finished, he decided he'd keep his distance for awhile.  Bet he won't be so unsuspecting the next time!! 


  1. Is he talking to you yet?? nice photos...looks like he's pouting.

  2. Ohh... love your dog Samson !
    We had a German Shepherd named Samson who lived up to his name !! He lived to be 18 years old.. but an outside dog so never had to undergo the humiliation of being bathed ! smile..

    Good thing dogs are forgiving ... BUT .. if your Samson is like ours .. When our daughter got married and left home, THAT was unforgivable and Samson never accepted her again, but growled and barked at her like he did to anyone else !
